The Greatest Joy is in the Smallest Things

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Tonight, Edelweiss and LG came over to have dinner. They weren't able to stay for long, LG had been feeling sick (poor little guy) and they have a drive to get from our house to theirs.

But it's nights like this that really get me in the holiday spirit. Just spending a couple of hours with close friends - sharing a meal - it's what Christmas and Chanukah are all about. The Caterpillars each received an awesome book/kit.

They also spent plenty of time with LG playing Legos. I adore all the Little Girls that have been in our house in the last 3 days, but it's a bit amazing to see the difference when it's (a) only one extra kid and (b) it's a boy.

We'll hopefully get to bed soon, especially the Caterpillars - and rest tomorrow.

Happy 3rd night of Chanukah and Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

I bet those legos will be a hit for quite awhile in your house... at least it will help keep them busy when the new little one comes!