Christmas with Cookie and Doc

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


On the evening of B10's birthday we went over to Cookie and Doc's house for hot dogs and hamburgers cooked on the grill. Afterwards, we had our Christmas with them.

The Caterpillars crawled under the tree to collect and pass out the gifts. (Very exciting for CW!)

Then we took turns opening up our presents.

It was rather chilly, so Jezebel (B10's cat) sat next to the heater when she wasn't trying to get into my lap.

In the interest of keeping this a truthful blog - here is a very unflattering picture of me with both Caterpillars cats sitting on me (Jezebel and Solomon).

It was a great night - I received a season of BONES and a bunch of penguin stuff! The Caterpillars also enjoyed their presents, especially CW and his baby aliens (which Cookie found in a gumball machine - and puchased many quarters worth).

Overall, a wonderful evening to end B10's birthday.

~Lone Butterfly )i(