In the Beginning...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


And the Caterpillars are off! On Monday, CW had his first "real" day of 1st Grade, where he was expected to sit at the desk and work through all his work. Thus far he's been allowed to do what he wants, and then go play when he wanted to.

He did exactly what was asked of him - and more!

B10 is almost a third of the way through 3rd grade. He is absolutely loving his subjects - especially Geography. I am so very proud of how far he has come since he was in CW's place two years ago. I look at him and think of how much joy he would have lost if he were going to public school.

These boys make my life so full and wonderful. I'm extremely lucky to be not only their Mum, but also their teacher.

The boys finished everything before 10:00 am, so they were allowed to come with Hubby and I as we went out to sign them up for their next sewing class (another pillowcase adventure).

Then we went as a family together to see Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. (Which was awesome - bring on Harrison Ford anyday!) After that we headed to Boo's house for a Memorial Day cookout. Plenty of pictures were taken and I'll post those soon. It was such an awesome day that proved the boys can thrive with year-round schooling.

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

Yeah for school, movies and waterslides!

Keri said...

You work full time outside of the home AND homeschool?!?!

Ok...I feel very lazy. LOL

Lone Butterfly said...

Keri - it wouldn't be possible if I didn't have a Mum of my own who is a teacher/tutor and a wonderful tutor who comes in two days a week when my Mum's school is in session.

The planning isn't easy, but I am confident in the other adults that are with the Caterpillars when I can't be.