Special Weekend - The Conclusion

Sunday, March 22, 2009


CW and I actually woke up very early this morning, in order to drive downtown and eat breakfast with Uncle Snoopy.

Uncle Snoopy has breakfast at the same place every Saturday morning, but he was perfectly happy to eat again with us on Sunday.

GO slept quietly for most of the meal, long enough for me to savor the blueberry pancakes.

CW was fascinated by the real whipped cream that came for his hot chocolate. He kept looking at me like he thought it was dessert - and when was I going to notice and take it from him!

We highly enjoyed both the food and company. I hope we can have both again soon.

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

CW looks like such a big kid in these pictures! I am glad you were able to join Uncle at for breakfast...it sounds yummy!