
Saturday, February 21, 2009


After a long day of helping her big brother Caterpillars at their Blue and Gold Banquet, GO came home and had a relaxing bath.

She was so wide awake and in such a good mood! Hubby just had to take a video (Daddy REALLY likes this video/picture thing...)

~Lone Butterfly )i(


life, in recipes said...

She's really progressing - and it sounds like you've been busy. Did you get my email about lunch? Hope you're well!

BooSheep said...

That is a sweet video! Baby Sheep loves bath time usually is spent talking Little Sheep out of pouring water on her head :) He is good about sharing his ducks and playing with toes though!

Meredith said...

I can't believe how much she's changed in the short time it's been since I've seen you guys! We MUST get together soon!