Meanwhile...The Other Caterpillar is Having Fun!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


While CW and I were having our Date Night, B10 and Hubby were in the middle of Cub Scout Fun with Son Camp.

They seemed to have a wonderful time, the highlight according to Hubby being that they met up with two other boys and their parents, and all stayed together whilst at camp.

There were reptiles, leathercrafts, campfires, BB's, Archery, and a host of other activites. B10 said his favorite thing to do was hunt for frogs during free time.

Hubby said his favorite time was after the church service, when he and B10 took a walk around the lake, just the two of them.

I think it was a great time for the two of them of spend together, without a younger brother asking for attention or a Mum being "Mummish". I can't wait for CW to get the same chance.

~Lone Butterfly )i(
(Special thanks to one of the other parents for sharing these pictures from the weekend!)


Ashley said...

You should check out the pic on the pack blog. ;)