Baby Larva's Nursery

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Baby Larva's Nursery set has been picked out from Target! We painted the room a rich barn red when we moved into the house and added bright white wainscoting and trim way back in 2007.

The Set is known as CoCaLo Peek-A-Boo, and is adorable. (If I do say so myself...)

Hubby and I knew we would want a "barnish" type theme, which would work for a girl or a boy Larva - and last until said Larva was four or five. (Thank goodness!)

Here are photos of the adorableness. All ready to be purchased, then pooed on! :D

Bedroom Set

Crib Sheet Pattern

And my favorite:
The Puppy Hamper

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

It is SO cute! How did you get the pictures to show up so well? The set we are looking at is from Target too and I would love to get pictures. Hmmm...

Meredith said...

SOOOOOOOO adorable!!! :) I know baby will LOVE It!

Wish You Were Here said...

Hi, Just wanted you to know how cute I think the choices you two made for the nursery are.
She will love her room.

What are your favorite colors for baby clothes?

Granny T.