Join in!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


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I am issuing everyone reading (and that means all two of you) the challenge to join in at BigMama's Spring Fashion Fiesta. It's my second time joining in a "blogging - festival" and I would love to have company!

It's very easy - go ahead and take pictures now (you can even blog it and save it). Then post on Friday with your link on Mr. Linky, back at BigMama's site.

In the blog post we need to answer two questions:

1) What do you wear on a daily basis? (Your "uniform" as it were.) What piece of clothing can you not live without?

2) What is your dream outfit? Or dream item? If you could own any piece of clothing or shoes what would it be?

I can't wait to see what everyone says! I'm already planning my post! (Really? The giddyness!)

See you on Friday at the Fiesta!

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

I don't know if I am I just supposed to take a picture of me in the clothes I can't live without? Sorry! It sounds like fun !