Easter Pictures

Friday, March 21, 2008


Rather than try to wake up early on Easter Sunday and take pictures of the boys, I decided to take the opprotunity while I had my Mum's camera to dress them in their Sunday Best and click away.

I wasn't thrilled with any of the pictures of them together - I just don't think I've fully figured out how Cookie's camera takes pictures. Many of them came out fuzzy, which was disappointing. This was my favorite of the ones that did come out.

CW couldn't wait to hop into the tree, so I was able to take quite a few pictures of him. This was easily my favorite of his individual pictures.

B10 also braved climbing the tree (a big deal, because he has a fear of heights). He even managed to put on a happy face while I took pictures!

I love their smiles! If you want the Kodakgallery link to the rest of their Easter pictures, leave a comment and let me know!

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

I like that picture of the boys! The orange looks good on them. We had fun at the park today!