B10's Photography

Saturday, March 22, 2008


As I stated in the last post, B10 was given a camera. This is a sample of his "work" from his first day.

First - a picture of his brother, CW:

Second, a photo of his cousin, Little Sheep. Note the look of desire in Little Sheep's eyes, for he TOO wants a camera!

Another photo of Little Sheep. (I think we can all agree that he is adorable enough to photograph multiple times.) I really like the smile that B10 captured in this picture.

This is a picture of the ducks at the park we visited. B10 calls the Aflac ducks, after the commercial.

Finally, I'll close with a photo of the huge turtle. B10 loves nature and animals, so I'm not surprised that of the 50 or so photos he took, 35 of them were of animals.

For a novice, he's doing a pretty good job of centering his subject and focusing. Aunt Anne would be very, very proud!

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

I am so proud of B10!  That picture of Little Sheep outside the restaurant is priceless.  I love it! It is great he is so interested in it taking pictures.