Halloween Trick or Treating

Monday, November 23, 2009


Since my sister, BooSheep, just managed to put up her Halloween photos - I thought I would follow suit, so this is how we spent Halloween evening.

B10 and CW went to spend a week with their Daddy in Kentucky.  Their grandfather was sick this past summer, so this was their chance to visit with their grandparents.

Halloween afternoon was Queen's Bowling Birthday Party.  It was a huge surprise, and lots of fun!  I even bowled an ALMOST 100!  (That's the highest score I've ever gotten!)

Afterwards, Hubby and I took our little Abby Sciuto to Publix for their fall festival.  She liked looking around, but her favorite part was icing the cookie.

I really appreciate how Publix takes a true customer service approach to their business - and if I pay an extra dime or so, I'll do that to know that the people there truly want me to have a great experience.


~Lone Butterfly  )i(