Cub Scout District Pinewood Derby

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Both B10 and CW won first place in the Pack Pinewood Derby and were eligible to go to District today.

CW's race was EARLY in the morning (it started before 9 am), but we all made it there - Cookie and Doc even came with us. (Cookie spent most of the first set of races pushing GO in her stroller.)

The top three places were eligible to go to the Council Races, but the top five racecars were recognized. CW placed 5th in speed with a average runtime of 130.4 mph!

His car's name is "Hothead".

B10's races began right after and he enjoyed watching with King and Prince.

Queen "stole" GO from Cookie and held her while I took photos.

B10 didn't place in the top five, but was a great sport. His car's name was "Ice Demon".

It was a wonderful morning and completed a process begun way back in December. I'm so proud of how hard the Caterpillars worked on their cars and the great attitude they both had, both when they won and when they didn't!

~Lone Butterfly )i(


BooSheep said...

Great job boys!! (& Doc of course:)