Fondue Who?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I love Alton Brown. I adore Alton Brown. In many ways, he is my hero - and he teaches my Caterpillars brilliant things that will serve them well, both in cooking and science.

Last week, he did a show on Fondue.

I think you know where this is going!

Now, I was born in the 70's, so I feel confident in my ability to share the fun of Fondue with my Caterpillars. Not that we even owned a Fondue pot as of Friday morning, but by Friday afternoon - we were on the plus side of Fondue ownership in my house.

B10 came with me to the store to choose Fondue ingredients and dippers. We decided to do cheese (even though I couldn't eat it) and broth for cooking chicken. I was very proud of B10 choosing to try celery for the first time.

Both he and CW were eager to eat the new cheeses: Gruyere and Edme. They helped me very carefully melt the cheese, and we went over basic Fondue etiquette.

Did you know that if you drop a piece of food in the pot, you're suppose to kiss the person on your left? (Or buy the table a round of drinks, but we stuck with kissing for the underaged Caterpillars!)

Can you tell by the stuffed cheeks that they enjoyed the Fondue immensely?

I liked cooking the chicken, but it's wasn't a quick process. We needed the hard sausage for the cheese course, because they never would have gotten enough meat out of the chicken broth course!

Next time we are trying chocolate Fondue for dessert. I want Cookie to come over and eat with us, she had been out of town for over a week, and we missed her very much.

~Lone Butterfly )i(


Keetha Broyles said...

We had a fondu pot back in the day - - - but we didn't use it enough to warrant keeping it, so it has gone the way of all things unwanted.

Life throws you surprises! said...

Yummy. I love fondu and haven't done it in forever. We plan to do it in Oct when we are studying the American Girl Julie who is from the 70s.

Keri said...

I've never done Fondue!! It looks fun and yummy. And I love Alton Brown, too, I'm watching him right now actually!!! And MJ loves him, too.