101 in 1001 - Another One Bites the Dust

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Okay, one of my goals was to listen to the FISH radio station and nothing else for one month.  I've accomplished this goal, but it wasn't easy.

I didn't think this one entirely through, such as my intense dislike of certain Christmas songs and the fact that after Thanksgiving - the FISH ONLY plays Christmas songs.  Plus, by not being able to change the radio station, I was stuck listening to commercials.

BUT, I did enjoy the fact that not once did I have to censor a song on the radio because the Caterpillars were in the truck with me.  And I discovered a couple of new songs that I enjoyed.

Overall, though, the only reason I stuck this one out was so I could check it off my list.

~Lone Butterfly  )i(


Meredith said...

I LOVE listening to the FISH at Christmas! During the regular year, I listen to the Message on XM, which plays music like the FISH only more and better AND it's commercial free. :) I'm glad it wasn't as tough as you thought it would be!