Buggy B10 and his Sidekick Little Bug

Thursday, September 23, 2010


B10 caught the most beautiful butterfly today. It makes me feel so wonderful inside to see him loving on animals.

He was literally holding the butterfly so gently by it's center - when it flew off. right out of his hands.

At that point, his sidekick, Little Bug, wanted to start turning over rocks just like her big brother.

Except - she can't lift a rock and dropped that sucker RIGHT on her toe!
B10 is a great big brother, he had her in his arms very quickly and was being just as gentle.
I have an awesome, amazing, incredible and perfectly wonderful oldest son.

~Lone Butterfly )i(


Little Rose said...

Aww, B10, you are an amazing big brother - and oldest nephew! I love you! Malenki