My Blond One

Friday, December 7, 2007


My second son was born a blond, it's getting darker - just like his father's did. He'll be dark-haired by the time he's 10 if history holds true.
He's almost 6 - his birthday is in February, exactly a week before Valentine's Day. He's still my little one, who rebels against anyone's notions of how he's suppose to act - then blindsides them with his adorablity. We are sure he's running for office, a politician in the making. Even when you're angry, he's making you laugh and think.
He would follow his older brother to the ends of the earth, he doesn't even say his name - just "Brother". He wants so badly to be included, and blessedly is most of the time.
He loves to give gifts. When he is able to get something out of the treasure box at school, it's almost always a piece of pretty pink plastic jewelry - which he's picked out for me, or his Aunt, or my Mum (his Grandmum). He then presents it to us as if he's spent all day inspecting diamonds to choose just the right one. And we feel as though he has.
He can't stand being teased or bullied - and won't allow it to happen to anyone else when he's around. I've seen him stand up to kids twice his size on the playground and tell them to leave a smaller child alone.
He listens, and remembers. When we lit the candle for the 3rd night of Chanukkah last night, he began telling how God provides for our needs, just as He did for the Jews. When asked what he was most thankful for in Kindergarten (at his Thanksgiving feast) his response was - "My Savior." Whether he is coloring his menorah coloring sheet, or reading his book on the Nativity, he knows his God.
His dream is to grow up and be a research scientist to kill bad germs, or President, or a teacher, or an Astronaut. Who knows where his dreams will take him in the next few years?
He can't wait for his baby sister. He goes into her room sometimes and talks about how he will play gently with her, and let her have tea parties with him and Brother when she comes.
He's incredible. After having one child, a piece of me wondered how I could love another one as much as I did the first - the CW was born and I realized how easy it was. He is a child of my heart.
~Lone Butterfly )i(